at THE 5 & DIME
To learn more about the opportunities below contact:

Sponsor a full season for The 5 & Dime!
Benefits include:
Logo or name (per your preference) on all marketing materials promoting the full season (print, social media, email marketing, paid advertising, etc.)
Prominent logo or name (per your preference) placement on website (home page, season page, each production page) linking to your website
Quarterly social media posts highlighting you and/or your company Logo or name (per your preference) on marketing materials promoting individual productions, where appropriate
Full-page color ad in each production program
Pre-show curtain speech acknowledgment at all performances (live or pre-recorded)
16 complimentary tickets to each production (special events and fundraisers not included) with reserved seating and reserved parking; Note that the face value of tickets utilized is not tax-deductible.
10% discount on tickets for additional invited guests
Option to have an informational table in the lobby at all season performances

Become a supporting sponsor for the current season at The 5 & Dime!
Benefits include:
Logo or name (per your preference) on all marketing materials promoting the full 2023 Season (print, social media, email marketing, paid advertising, etc.)
Prominent logo or name (per your preference) placement on website (home page, season page, each production page) linking to your website
Quarterly social media posts highlighting you and/or your company Logo or name (per your preference) on marketing materials promoting individual productions, where appropriate
Half-page color ad in each production program
Pre-show curtain speech acknowledgment at all performances (live or pre-recorded)
10 complimentary tickets to each production (special events and fundraisers not included) with reserved seating and reserved parking; Note that the face value of tickets utilized is not tax-deductible.
5% discount on tickets for additional invited guests
Option to have an informational table in the lobby at all season performances

Sponsor a mainstage production of our current season!
Benefits include:
Title billing credit - 'The 5 & Dime and [your name here) Present..."
Recognition in all marketing materials for sponsored production (print, social media, email marketing, paid advertising, etc.)
Full-page ad in your sponsored production's digital and printed playbills
Pre-show curtain speech acknowledgment 10 complimentary tickets to sponsored production
Reserved seating at sponsored production performance(s)
Reserved parking at the sponsored production performance(s) you attend
A signed, special edition, production poster and show program

Sponsor a mainstage production of our current season!
Benefits include:
Recognition in all marketing materials for sponsored production (print, social media, email marketing, paid advertising, etc.) as "with additional support from [your name here)"
Half-page ad in your sponsored production's digital and printed playbills
Pre-show curtain speech acknowledgment
6 complimentary tickets to sponsored production
Reserved seating at performances
A signed production program
For only $125 or $250, you can sponsor a single performance of one of our upcoming productions.
With your Spotlight Sponsorship, you'll receive:
Two ($125) or four ($250) tickets with RESERVED seating
Special recognition on our website and social media, on lobby signage, in the program, and during the curtain speech
Signed special edition production programs
To become a Spotlight Sponsor select the production you would like to sponsor from the 2025 SEASON tab, and click BECOME A SPOTLIGHT SPONSOR. You will be redirected to Eventbrite, where you may select the date you would like to sponsor and at which level, then proceed as if you’re simply purchasing a ticket. We’ll reach out from there!

CABARETS: Second Stage Sponsorships
Pulling from Jacksonville’s vast vocal talent, our cabaret productions allow singers to perform songs from their personal repertoires that fit within a particular theme.
Past cabarets have included An Evening of Kander & Ebb, Showstoppers, The Songs of Sondheim, and Modern Musicals. Most recently (May 2024), we partnered with Hardwicks Bar to present Wine Down Wednesdays with Josh Waller, a weekly musical experience featuring one of our founders, with multiple guest artist appearances.

READINGS: Second Stage Sponsorships
Presenting staged readings that use scripts openly in performance, simple and suggestive rather than full stage sets, and partial or uniform rather than full costumes allows us the opportunity to present scripts we otherwise wouldn't be able to produce because of budget limitations or size of cast requirements.
Most recently (June 2024), we produced a staged reading of Twilight: Los Angeles, 1992 by Anna Deveare Smith, directed by Lindsay Curry, in partnership with BABS’ LAB.
$3,500 – Staff a production (directors, lighting, sound, costume, and props designers, backstage technicians, etc.)
$2,000 – Stock our complimentary bar for a year
$1,500 – Construct a production’s set
$1,000 – Underwrite marketing for a production
$750 – Underwrite a musician for one of our musicals
$500 – Costume a production
$250 – Purchase props for a production
To learn more about our sponsorship opportunities contact:
Reach out to
Mail checks to PO Box 2011, Jacksonville, FL. 32203
Or click the link below to make a donation through PayPal.